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How the Development Spread Works

…a real estate development project, before completing a more in-depth analysis. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the development spread and walk through an example of how…

Residual Techniques in Real Estate Valuation

…article, we’ll walk through several examples that will show you how the residual technique is used in commercial real estate valuation. Land Residual Technique Using Direct Capitalization The land residual…

Negative Leverage: What You Should Know

…when using the WACC formula with multi-year yield rates. Single Year WACC For example, let’s use the return on debt and return on equity in our previous single year example….

Understanding Defeasance in Five Minutes

…language, a borrower generally has no right to defease. Here is an example of typical defeasance language. There are a couple of items a borrower may want to negotiate in…

What is a Mini Perm Loan?

…submitting a personal financial statement and tax return each year, as well as a rent roll, operating statements, and signed leases. Mini-Perm Loan Example A mini-perm loan is typically used…