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Prescriptive Easements: A Comprehensive Guide

…from unproductive land. As an example, he cites farms that are paid by the federal government to not operate. Quieting Title Increases Certainty and Marketability: Some have opined that a…

How Receivership Works in Commercial Real Estate

…is different, and state laws vary as to a receiver’s powers, it’s important the court’s order is comprehensive and detailed. That being said, receivers commonly handle the following actions and…

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis for Real Estate

…potential commercial properties where you can invest your capital.  Completing a discounted cash flow analysis for each of these real estate projects will enable you to decide which asset to acquire. Comparing…

Cash on Cash Return Calculator

…It is a key component of the band of investment method used by appraisers to calculate the cap rate. Let’s take a look at an example. Imagine that you are…

Pari Passu: How Does it Work?

…market. In this article, we’ll discuss pari passu in commercial real estate and review some relevant examples. What is Pari Passu? Pari Passu is Latin for “on equal footing”. In…


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How Do Cities Grow?

commercial and residential real estate. Prices per square foot in this zone tend to be relatively high (though not compared to the central business district), so both residential and commercial…

Understanding Personal Guarantee Structures

…sort of personal guarantee. Understanding the nuances in personal guarantee structures is important when negotiating commercial loans. Conclusion In this article, we discussed personal guarantees, which are commonly required by…